Blackberry onyx 9700

This mobile phone is a new version of the blackberry bold 9000.bold compared to 9000, said bb9700 will be smaller and lighter, the entire handset design of its handsets would be more sleek and updated features and its offers twice the memory.

Blackberry Bold 9700 has a performance standard hardware better, bb facilitated the 624mhz processor and 3.2 megapixel camera.

iPhone 4

Calling it the biggest leap since the original iPhone, Apple cofounder Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone is complete with design, all-new thin, flash camera, front-facing camera, noise-canceling microphone second, and a gyroscope for the six-axis motion sensing.

Nokia N900

Experience the speed and raw power of the high-performance
Nokia N900 mobile computer.

10th Largest Mall in The World

5 Discovery That Hard to Explained by Science

It turned out that not all inventions can be studied by scientists. The following are findings that may until now have not found the answer. Is still a mystery how it can create.

Stealth Aircraft Russia

Russia has completed examples stealth aircraft Sukhoi PAK FA and will start mass producing in 2010. Russia itself has never officially informed to the public like what this latest form of jet bombers; they remain secret. However, a computer drawing of the leak in the Internet sites showing the design stealth jet Sukhoi PAK FA. All images taken from Russia and Strange Military Home.

10th Alternative Fuel Source

Humans continue to strive to conduct searches of energy sources only on wood, coal and fuel oil even though at the time was now halted switch to nuclear energy, wind and sources of geothermal power. Even more recent has been using various kinds of alternative fuels, several alternative fuels that are still strange to the present moment would be something usual at the time to come. Here is an alternative fuel which is not very common at the present time